Sunday 22 May 2011


The Seminary Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Denton, Nebraska.
Diaconate Ordinations last year.

Matthew McCarthy, who used to attend my former parish in Wigan, was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood yesterday at the Seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in Nebraska, USA.

Congratulations! Ad multos Annos!

Fr Michael Brown has some photos of the Ordination and some comment on the fact that the Fraternity has a full seminary while Ushaw College in Durham is closing its doors after more than 200 years and that the Archbishop of Westminster is not following the strong recommendation of the Holy Father to teach the Traditional Form of the Mass to seminarians.

Fr Matthew will offer Solemn Mass here at St Catherine's on Friday 3rd June at 5.30pm.

Incidentally, the seminary in the diocese of Frejus-Toulon (that covers St Tropez, from where I have just returned) does embrace the Traditional Form of the Mass as well as the new and has over 70 seminarians - for one small diocese. The result of a far-sighted, very pastoral and kind Bishop - Mgr Dominic Rey.

1 comment:

  1. When will they ever learn,
    when will they ever learn?


    Rdr. James
    Eastern orthodox but rooting for you..
