Tuesday 26 April 2011

L'Osservatore Romano

The Vatican's semi-official daily has launched a new Web site, marking the anniversary (last week) of the Holy Father's election in 2005. I will add it to the side-bar.

L'Osservatore Romano is posted in its various weekly or monthly language editions, as well as the Italian daily. The link here will appear in Italian but you can change it to English via a drop-down box at the top right hand corner of the site.

Subscriptions to the weekly/monthly editions are already available. The daily will be available for free until Aug. 31, with subscriptions beginning Sept. 1.

The daily will be posted in the afternoon of Rome time, its traditional publishing hour.

Translations into other languages, will be forthcoming.

L'Osservatore Romano has been publishing since 1861; the first issue had four pages. Pope Leo XIII in 1885 made it an organ of information for the Holy See.

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