Sunday 8 August 2010

Sunday Mass in the Traditional Form

Starting this coming Sunday, the Feast of the Assumption, we are going to be able to offer Mass in the Traditional form of the Roman Rite at 11.30am each Sunday. It will just be Low Mass and we will see how it goes.

1 comment:

GWAM said...

"Just Low Mass"?

Like the Churchill dog says: Oh, no, no, no.

Dear Father, your use of the impoverished adverb reminds me of the time an Irishman at a Roscommon bar narrowed his eyes when I ordered an "ordinary" Guinness as opposed to the new fangled extra cold draught option.

"As long as you live, my friend, there'll be nothing ordinary about a pint of Guinness!"

"Just" Low Mass, Father?

Seriously - every good wish for the success of this initiative (and such a blessed occasion for it to start). Be assured of prayers.

"Cantate Domino canticum novum: quia mirabilia fecit."

P.S. That altar server up there needs to get a firmer grip of those bells!